
龚汝鑫 已认证




1. What is the English word for “直行”?

The English word for “直行” is “straight”. In traffic or navigation, “straight” means to continue in a forward direction without turning or changing course. It is the opposite of “turn” or “go left/right”.

In addition, “straight” can also be used to describe something that is not curved or bent, such as a straight line or straight hair. It can also mean honest or direct, as in “He gave me a straight answer”.

Furthermore, “straight” is often used in idioms and e**ressions, such as “straightforward” (direct and honest), “straighten up” (to **ke something neat and tidy), and “straight from the horse’s mouth” (infor**tion that comes directly from a reliable source).

Overall, “straight” is a versatile word with multiple meanings and uses in the English language.

2. How do you say “直行” in English?

The English word for “直行” is “straight”. In traffic, “straight” means to go straight ahead without turning left or right.

In addition to “straight”, there are other words related to “直行” in English. “Forward” can also be used to describe moving straight ahead. “Direct” can be used to describe a route or path that goes straight without any turns. “Non-stop” can also be used to describe a trip that goes straight without any stops.

It’s important to note that in some countries, “straight” **y be used to describe a ***ual orientation. It’s important to be aware of cultural differences and use language appropriately.

In sum**ry, the English word for “直行” is “straight”. Other related words include “forward”, “direct”, and “non-stop”. It’s important to be aware of cultural differences when using language.

3. What is the equivalent of “直行” in the English language?

The English word for “直行” is “straight ahead”. In traffic, it means to continue driving in a straight line without turning. Here are some related k***ledge points:

1. In traffic, there are different signs and signals that indicate when to go straight ahead. For ex**ple, a green light or an arrow pointing straight ahead means it is safe to continue driving in that direction.

2. In English, there are **ny other words and phrases that can be used to describe going straight ahead. For ex**ple, “proceed straight”, “go straight”, “continue straight”, or simply “straight”.

3. “Straight ahead” can also be used in non-traffic related contexts, such as giving directions or describing a path. For ex**ple, “the store is straight ahead on the left”, or “follow the path straight ahead until you reach the river”.

Remember, when driving in English-speaking countries, it is important to understand the different traffic signs and signals, and to k*** how to communicate directions clearly and accurately.

4. Can you provide me with the English term for “直行”?

The English word for “直行” is “straight ahead”. In driving, “straight ahead” means to continue moving forward without turning to either side. This term is commonly used in traffic signs, instructions, and directions. In addition, there are other related terms that are useful to k***, such as “turn left”, “turn right”, “go straight”, “**ke a U-turn”, and “yield”. It is important to understand these terms in order to navigate roads and intersections safely and effectively. In some countries, traffic laws and regulations **y differ, so it is always a good idea to f**iliarize oneself with the local rules before driving in a new place.




